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087 094 9774
EDUCATION  | Published: 20 February 2012

WaterWise party in East London

Stephen van den Berg, a Station 6, Port Elizabeth crewman has family in East London, and they were so impressed by a visit to the station that little Sebastian begged his mom for a Sea Rescue Party.The Local WaterWise Rep ...

Nasorg 7807
EDUCATION  | Published: 20 February 2012

WaterWise besoek die KoueBokkeveld

WaterWise besoek nog nasorgsentrum in die KoueBokkeveld:Oppad na die nasorg sentrum van Lindeshof, 'n plaas in die Koue Bokkeveld, ongeveer 60km buite Ceres, ry ons verby verskeie damme. Die gesprek in die motor gaan oor kinderverdrinkings en ons vra vir ...

DSC 7341
EDUCATION  | Published: 10 February 2012

Dagsorg- en nasorgsentrums in die Kouebokkeveld vind baie baat by werkswinkels

Dagsorg- en nasorgsentrums in die Kouebokkeveld vind baie baat by werkswinkelsIn samewerking met Badisa, is WaterWise tans besig om werkswinkels aan te bied by dagsorg- en nasorgsentrums in die Koue Bokkeveld.Alhoewel baie skole in die omliggende gebied al deur WaterWise ...

DSC 6987
EDUCATION  | Published: 3 February 2012

WaterWise word hartlik ontvang by Piet Hugo Gedenk

Kinders wat wil leer, leer gewoonlik vinniger en onthou ook langer! Selfs op die foto'swat aangeheg is, kan ons die leergierigheid en positiewe gesindheid van diekinders sien.Ek was ongeveer 2 jaar gelede by dieselfde skool; van die groter kinders kon ...

Waterwise eoudia 6960
EDUCATION  | Published: 31 January 2012

Kinders so opgewonde oor WaterWise

Matjiesriver NGK Primer is 'n klein plaasskooltjie, ongeveer 40 km vanaf Ceres, oppad Karoo toe, waar ongeveer 60 kinders van omliggende plase, skoolgaan. Die besoek van WaterWise het op die regte tyd gekom!Dit raak so warm gedurende somermaande, dat die ...

Gr 6 tiisetso
EDUCATION  | Published: 29 January 2012

WaterWise in Atteridgeville

On 27 & 30 January Fortune Sibiya visited Patogeng Primary School in Atteridgeville, a township west of Pretoria. She targeted her workshop at pupils from grade 5 to grade 7.Ms. SM Mohale was very pleased with the presentation, and she ...

Waterwise video
EDUCATION  | Published: 27 January 2012

Be a hero, be WaterWise.

If you have a spare two minutes watch the video to see how Sea Rescue's WaterWise educators work. It is a wonderful program that really makes a difference. Last year our five educators taught over 50 000 children about water safety. ...

Lwazi 8240
EDUCATION  | Published: 5 January 2012

Sea Rescue taught over 50 000 children about water safety in 2011

WaterWise Children during a class in a Ceres farm school.Congratulations to our WaterWise educators , who, in 2011, have taught 50 477 children around the country about water safety and how to do bystander CPR. This is a fantastic ...

A Nkosinathi 1 Dec 2011
EDUCATION  | Published: 20 December 2011

WaterWise is for all children

Marcus Oshry, Sea Rescue Coxswain and Port Elizabeth WaterWise educator, has just taught a group of children about water safety. This is what our educators do you might say ... but this class was different.This is Marcus’s story:“I did my ...

Swim 5369
EDUCATION  | Published: 20 December 2011

WaterWise safety tips

Sea Rescue’s Educational arm, WaterWise, urges holiday makers to be extra cautious over the festive season.A spring tide falls on the Christmas weekend this year.The tides will be extreme and the currents stronger than usual because of the spring tide ...

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