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DSC 8156
EDUCATION  | Published: 29 March 2012

WaterWise werkswinkel by Goedgedacht

WaterWise bied werkswinkel aan by Goedgedacht:Ongeveer 90 jeugdiges van regoor die Wes-Kaap is tans besig met 'n jeugprogram (Path Out of Poverty) op Goedgedacht, 'n plaas naby Malmesbury.Aangesien die kinders afkomstig is van plase en landelike gebiede, is hulle welbekend ...

Njabulo shongwe gr 5
EDUCATION  | Published: 26 March 2012

WaterWise for Bud-Mbelle Primary, Atteridgeville

Yesterday excited pupils from Bud-Mbelle Primary School, in Atteridgeville, West of Pretoria, had an opportunity to learn about water safety and saving Lives. A total of 143 learners benefited from the WaterWise Workshop given by educator Fortune Sibiya.Head of Department ...

Water Wise class 3709
EDUCATION  | Published: 22 March 2012

Safety tips from WaterWise for the Easter Holidays:

The Easter holidays are upon us and WaterWise encourages you to have a safety plan in place before you need it. Make sure that key people in your group know who to call in an emergency and that all family ...

Eoudia waterwise 8130
EDUCATION  | Published: 21 March 2012

Know who to call in an emergency:

Sea Rescue's WaterWise course, aimed at 9 to 14 year old disadvantaged children, teaches them what to do in an emergency, how to call an ambulance and how to do basic bystander CPR. Five WaterWise educators taught water safety to ...

Torsten water Wise 339
EDUCATION  | Published: 20 March 2012

Wilderness Sea Rescue teaches children to be WaterWise

Wilderness Sea Rescue volunteers hosted 41 grade 4 (age 10) pupils from Glenwood House School during a WaterWise training session yesterday.Held at GLYC, they focused on 3 areas with the children: how to plan for an emergency, CPR and boat ...

DSC 8043
EDUCATION  | Published: 18 March 2012

Ons sal aaaaaltyd die PLAN onthou!

Mnr. Johnson, skoolhoof van Welvaart Primer in die Warm Bokkeveld, Ceres, het ten spyte van 'n toetsreeks en assesering tyd ingeruim vir WaterWise.Ek was ongeveer 2 jaar gelede by die skool en dit was wonderlik om te sien hoe die ...

Waterwise eoudia 7512
EDUCATION  | Published: 9 March 2012


Drostdy Primere Skool, is 'n plaasskooltjie net buite Tulbagh met ongeveer 100 kinders. Opgewonde skoolkinders het my van ver af verwelkom.Vir 'n skoolkind, moet dit 'n groot lekkerte wees, wanneer besoekers vir hulle kom kuier. Veral met so 'n program ...

Fortune 8374
EDUCATION  | Published: 6 March 2012

Dept. of Education recognises WaterWise

The department of education of District Tshwane South has given its commitment of support to Sea Rescue’s WaterWise Academy and our Mamelodi based educator Fortune Sibiya.Sello George Ngwenya, Partnerships Coordinator for Policy and Planning & District Information Systems Management (DISM) ...

DSC 7904
EDUCATION  | Published: 2 March 2012


Skoliere van Goudini Bad Primer is trots op die nuwe plakaat wat in hul klaskamers opgesit gaan word. Dit is nie net mooi en kleurvol nie, maar dit sal die kinders daagliks aan WaterWise (waterveiligheid) herinner.Leerders van Achtertuin Primer het ...

Ndulie se Gr R 7877
EDUCATION  | Published: 23 February 2012

Spar sponsors WaterWise posters for Boland

Spar have kindly sponsored the printing of 1000 of the newly designed WaterWise posters. They will be left at schools after our Ceres based educator Eoudia Erasmus has taught a class the WaterWise principles of how to stay out of ...

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