Monday 25th June 2012.NSRI Vaal Dam volunteer rescue duty crew went to assist Dries du Toit who accidentally ran his 25 foot Bayliner onto the hard in a shallow section of the Vaal River after launching on Saturday afternoon 23rd ...
At 07h43 (Sunday, 24th June) NSRI Port Alfred volunteer sea rescue duty crew were activated following a request for assistance from the Port Elizabeth 11 meter yacht MR. NOAH, 6 nautical miles off-shore of the Kowie river mouth, with ...
Justin Erasmus, NSRI Port Elizabeth deputy station commander, said:'At 10h15 NSRI Port Elizabeth were called following reports of a small 3 meter river boat capsized on the Swartkops River Mouth with 4 males onboard who had been thrown into the ...
Dirk Manten, NSRI Vaal Dam duty coxswain, said: 'At 16h15 (Sunday, 24th June) NSRI Vaal Dam volunteers were activated following reports of a makeshift home made boat in difficulties off Kylie Bay, about a nautical mile South of Manten Marina ...
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