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Water Wise Eoudia 8480
EDUCATION  | Published: 8 September 2014


Eoudia Erasmus berig uit Ceres:Wanneer 'n skool gekontak word met 'n aanbieding van 'n WaterWise-werkswinkel, bly dit lekker as jy die woorde hoor: 'Natuurlik, kom gerus . ons wag!' En die skoolhoofde weet dat kinders gereeld en sonder behoorlike toesig ...

Waterwise 33
EDUCATION  | Published: 8 September 2014

Marcus Oshry reports on WaterWise from the Eastern Cape:

Marcus Oshry reports on WaterWise from the Eastern Cape:'Teaching the children water safety at PE's Walmer Primary School was a humbling experience as the majority of these kids go down to the beach at every opportunity they get as they ...

EDUCATION  | Published: 3 September 2014

WaterWise in Transkei:

Debbie Smith reports on teaching WaterWise from Port St Johns:'The month of August has been one of my most rewarding yet. A personal best for me, thus far, with 1726 children educated and starting in the new area of “Majola” ...

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EDUCATION  | Published: 1 September 2014

WaterWise soccer ball fetchers:

WaterWise Instructor Kenneth Gagela was relaxing at a park in Soweto when he heard a crowd of children next to the lake shouting and screaming. This is what he found: A boy fetches a soccer ball in a Soweto dam.'I ...

EDUCATION  | Published: 27 August 2014

WaterWise on the Cape Flats

WaterWise Instructor Charles McHelm visited Turfhall primary on the Cape Flats to teach them about water safety. When he visited the Grade 2's he found that some of the children had brought their Teddy Bears to school, and so, after ...

Waterwise jacqui
EDUCATION  | Published: 27 August 2014

KZN is WaterWise:

This month Lindo Zqubu, our newest recruit, who teaches in KZN Midlands, visited our Durban based WaterWise Instructor ( and NSRI volunteer) Jacqui McAllister for a day of Coastline awareness.Lindo is more familiar with the rivers and the dams, so ...

Waterwise 01a
EDUCATION  | Published: 24 August 2014

WaterWise at KwaMashu Ethekuleni Primary:

Jacqui McAllister reports:'Last month and this month, I concentrated on KwaMashu Ethekuleni Primary. I noticed that the children are not very knowledgeable about water safety, however, they have all swum in the sea. They remembered the PLAN part of the ...

A Gr 11 learner from Thembalethu Sec saying HELLO before starting CPR
EDUCATION  | Published: 24 August 2014

Liza Wigley reports on WaterWise in Eden:

Liza Wigley, WaterWise Instructor in Eden reports:'I have been visiting Thembalethu Secondary now for a number of weeks, popping in during their LO periods. These kids have crawled into my heart. They wanted to know about RIP CURRENTS, as most ...

EDUCATION  | Published: 22 August 2014

WaterWise in Crossroads:

WaterWise Instructor Zanele Bushwane reports from Crossroads:It is always good to be back from the holidays. this month I presented the WaterWise lessons at Vukani Primary in lower crossroads, Linge Primary in Zwelitsha Nyanga, and Stormont Madubela Primary also in ...

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EDUCATION  | Published: 17 August 2014

Beware of water that may be deeper than you think:

A crocodile rests in the shallow water of a croc pond while all his other buddies are seeking the sun. This ancient creature is one of a 1000 crocodiles on view at a crocodile farm. They like the murky water ...

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