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087 094 9774
IMG 4366
EDUCATION  | Published: 8 October 2014

WaterWise makes a difference:

Making a difference is What We Do. Being a Waterwise Instructor is a great way to make a difference in people's lives. Being able to add being a Sea Rescue volunteer makes it even better. When I go and do ...

SAM 0788
EDUCATION  | Published: 7 October 2014


The volunteer WaterWise team from Station 20 were invited to present a workshop to 70 Girl Guides, aged 9-17 years and 6 Educators at the Amavenya Primary School at Ixopo, Southern KZN on Saturday the 4th of October 2014.The guides ...

Water Wise 7652
EDUCATION  | Published: 6 October 2014

WaterWise in Lamberts Bay:

WaterWise Instructors Eoudia Erasmus and Desiree Pinetown were invited to Lamberts Bay for the Municipalities opening of a school holiday program for children. The program included SA Navy and Airforce participation and started off with local children being led to ...

Water Wise 006a
EDUCATION  | Published: 1 October 2014

Lwazi Fihlela reports from north KZN:

September was heritage month and WaterWise in the north of KZN visited, amongst others, Nogobhoza Primary School in Kwakhoza Village under Inkosi Khoza. It was interesting to learn that water unites all cultures. We all need it and it presents ...

20140925 083401 resized
EDUCATION  | Published: 1 October 2014

WaterWise in Soweto:

Hector Peterson school is one of the schools situated next to the lake between Old Dibsonville and Doornkop. The teachers always have a challenge when its spring time because of the bridge that the children use to cross it every ...

Water Wise 8788a
EDUCATION  | Published: 30 September 2014

Ek kan ‘n lewe red! Kan jy?

Wanneer ek by ‘n skool wegry, glo, hoop en wens ek, kinders weet: “Ek kan ‘n lewe red!” Dan word my wens waar as ek ‘n skool vir die tweede maal besoek en al die kinders onthou die noodnommer en ...

Water Wise Lindo 4341
EDUCATION  | Published: 30 September 2014

WaterWise at Nxamalala Islamic school:

Lindo Zqubu, KZN Midlands WaterWise Instructor, was invited to visit the Nxamalala Islamic school to pass on the Sea Rescue water safety lesson.'The educators joined in on the lesson and enjoyed learning as much as the children!' said Lindo. 'Passing ...

EDUCATION  | Published: 19 September 2014

WaterWise in Khayelitsha:

It was a very good month for WaterWise Instructor Zanele Bushwane who spent her time in Khayelitsha schools. Zanele consentrated on Encotshen primary and Vuselela primary school, and loved teaching the children, who she says, showed interest, and after the ...

DMT Grade 8 3a
EDUCATION  | Published: 17 September 2014

WaterWise safety tip from Desiree in Paarl:

WATER SAFETY TIP: Be wise like the bullfrog. When you are in trouble in the water do not panic. Fill your lungs to the maximum with air like the bullfrog fills his air sack. This will help you to become ...

Fezekile Secondary Oudtshoorn Articles on drowning brought reality into the class room
EDUCATION  | Published: 10 September 2014

Liza Wigley reports on WaterWise Eden:

I was invited to visit Stepping Stones Primary in Knysna, where a year ago a little girl from their school drowned at Leisure Isle. Lots of questions were asked, and stories told! Hoekwil Primary invited me back, I had been ...

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