We are proud to announce that the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation South Africa has sponsored Sea Rescue’s WaterWise Academy in Eden.H.S.H. Princess Charlene of Monaco said, “ Some of my present and future projects for my Foundation are underlining ...
NSRI's Wilderness based WaterWise Academy Instructor, Liza Wigley, sent us some photographs that she took during the water safety classes that she gave last month. Teaching children about water safety is Liza's passion. You can see it in the children's ...
Full Moon Spring Tide warning for the next 6 to 8 days:The twice monthly Spring Tide is here. Spring Tide will peak on Thursday the 2nd of July, during the Full Moon phase.Spring Tide brings a higher than normal high ...
Thandi Mlangeni of Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) and NSRI'S Alison Smith, loved watching a WaterWise presentation by Kenneth Gagela at Margaret Gwela Primary school in Soweto. TNPA sponsor six of the WaterWise Academy Instructors and are strong supporters of ...
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