Sidney Schonegeval of Cecil Kilpin auditors with Jackie von Molendorf, Project Manager of the debit order competitionThere was great excitement in the office yesterday. It is always such a priviledge to be the person who calls the winners of ...
Clifford Ireland, NSRI Durban station commander, said: “On Thursday, 09th December, at 11h00, approximately 1 to 2 nautical miles off Blue Lagoon (offshore of the Umgeni River Mouth), a joint sea rescue operation will be held to simulate a mass ...
It is the season to get out and enjoy the sea. We have one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world, and much of it is suitable for paddling various types of craft. There are sections of our coast ...
'The NSRI Station 23 (Wilderness) was started in earnest in 1984.NSRI Headquarters informed us that they would send us a boat if we raised the money for it. Undaunted we started collecting and the local community responded supportively.We placed an ...
Rescue Operations