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Nsri qm2 departure thumb 824x572
EVENTS  | Published: 24 April 2023

Queen Mary II departs from Durban

Guests of the NSRI were recently treated to a spectacular view of this seafaring giant setting off on the next leg of her journey. ...

Memorial Swim Thumb
EVENTS  | Published: 5 December 2022

Melkbosstrand pays tribute to lives lost

On Saturday 5 November, Station 18 (Melkbosstrand) lifeguard, sea and shore crew gathered on the beach in front of the base for their annual commemoration swim-out. We chatted to station commander Hein Köhne about the history of the event and ...

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EVENTS  | Published: 6 November 2022

The Oceans 8 charity swim turns into a fun day

The Oceans 8 charity has been rescheduling the 8 mile open water swim for a while now due to the poor water quality off Durban post the floods. ...

EVENTS  | Published: 12 September 2022


We had the privilege of blessing the 8.8 metre rescue vessel, Spirit of DHL II, at NSRI Yzerfontein this past weekend. ...

Mossel Bay image scaled
EVENTS  | Published: 11 March 2021

Golden Jubilee commemorative book for Mossel Bay

Station 15 (Mossel Bay) celebrates its 50th anniversary on 1 May 2021. It’s a significant milestone that is being commemorated with the publication of what promises to be an exciting, emotional and personally charged collection of stories about the station’s ...

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AD CAMPAIGNS  | Published: 5 August 2020

Notice convening the AGM: 27 August 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting of members of the National Sea Rescue Institute will be held entirely by electronic communication on Thursday 27 August 2020.Click below for full detailsNotice Convening the AGM 2020 ...

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AD CAMPAIGNS  | Published: 25 February 2020

The Jive Cape Town Funny Festival 2020

South Africa’s oldest and foremost comedy festival showcasing the best local stand-up comedians together with top international variety acts returns to The Baxter Theatre between 15 June and 12 July 2020. It’s Cape Town’s winter comedic talent and a great ...

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AD CAMPAIGNS  | Published: 23 February 2020

Western Cape Surf Champs 2020

This weekend saw all the Surf Lifesaving Clubs in the Western Cape compete in the Western Cape Surf Lifesaving Champs in Milnerton. Sea Rescue was represented for two Surf Rescue Swimmers from the Melkbosstrand Rescue Station, Station 18. The Clubs ...

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AD CAMPAIGNS  | Published: 23 February 2020

Blessing of JetRIB Sharon at Station 16 Strandfontein:

Supporters, volunteers, family, friends and members of Western Cape Disaster Management gathered this morning to bless and launch Station 16 Strandfontein's new JetRIB, Sharon.Congratulations!Thank you to the Western Cape Disaster Management for their continued support and partnership. You can read ...

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AD CAMPAIGNS  | Published: 16 January 2020

Congratulations to our 2019 Winners!

On Friday 10th January we hosted the final draw of the Mitsubishi Car promotion where the winner drove away with two Mitsubishi vehicles: A Pajero Sport 2.5 and an ASX 2.0 (Classic) valued at over R800 000. The second prize ...

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