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865 A5292
AWARDS  | Published: 10 June 2021

NSRI’s heroes celebrated at 2021 AGM 

Achievement is often anonymous. Some of the greatest things on earth have been done by people you may never have heard of, quietly working hard to improve the lives of others. Behind every rescue is an anonymous volunteer. ...

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RESCUE  | Published: 9 June 2021

3 injured sailors patient evacuated off a motor container vessel in Durban

Paul Bevis, NSRI Durban duty coxswain, said:At 21h31, Tuesday, 8 June, NSRI Durban duty crew and Netcare 911 ambulance services were activated to prepare for an early Wednesday morning arrival of a motor container vessel with 3 Filipino crew who ...

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RESCUE  | Published: 9 June 2021

Yacht aground off Robben Island

According to Marc de Vos, NSRI Table Bay station commander, at 19h59, Tuesday, 8 June, NSRI Table Bay duty crew were activated by NSRI EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) following a Mayday distress call from a local 45 foot yacht reporting ...

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BIRD RESCUE  | Published: 8 June 2021

NSRI assist SANCCOB to relocate Swift Tern birds to Robben Island

Tome Mendes, NSRI Table Bay duty coxswain, said:At 09h02, Sunday, 6 June, NSRI Table Bay duty crew were placed on alert to prepare to transport Swift Tern birds to Robben Island at the request of SANCCOB (SA Foundation for the ...

10 Donna Nicholas 1
RESCUE  | Published: 2 June 2021

Incidents at Port Edward, Cape Point and Smitswinkel Bay

PORT EDWARD:Tokkie Livingstone, NSRI Port Edward deputy station commander, said:At 11h10, Tuesday, 01 June, NSRI Port Edward duty crew were activated following a request for assistance received from the sister of two fishermen reporting her brothers to be stranded on ...

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ANIMAL RESCUE  | Published: 2 June 2021

Incidents at Storms River and Durban North Coast.:

STORMS RIVER:Lodewyk van Rensburg, NSRI Oyster Bay station commander, said:At 13h55, Sunday, 30 May, NSRI Oyster Bay duty crew activated following a request for assistance from SANParks reporting a husband and his wife, from the Netherlands,injured after falling from a ...

Doringbaai 7098 westcoast
RESCUE  | Published: 26 May 2021

West Coast – Wednesday, 26 May. 1 fisherman deceased and 1 fisherman remains missing at sea

Avril Mocke, NSRI Lamberts Bay station commander, said:At 17h30, Tuesday, 25 May, NSRI Lamberts Bay duty crew were activated following reports of 2 fisherman, a father and his son, from Doringbaai, missing in dense fog and believed to be off-shore ...

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