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NEWS  | Published: 28 March 2010

NSRI Vision & Mission

OUR MISSION:Our mission is to be the most admired and trusted rescue organisation in South Africa, inspiring volunteers to join and stay, ensuring that funders are proud to be associated with us and building national pride.Our goal is to prevent ...

Camps bay map
NEWS  | Published: 15 January 2010


HISTORY OF CAMPS BAY IN AID OF NSRISea Rescue does not sell 'Camps Bay an illustrated history' by Gwynne Schrire in association with Hillel Turok.And Clarkes Books confirm it is hard to source - they don't stock it but you ...

Front view
NEWS  | Published: 24 August 2006

Opening of Head Office new building


John Payne Patti Price with State President
NEWS  | Published: 29 July 2005

Pattie Price

Pattie Price: The hand that raised the pen did smooth the sea submitted by Brian Hustler We have a picture of an authoritarian, elderly lady in a no-nonsense beret, who had in 1942 as a result of her own rescue ...

EDUCATION  | Published: 20 July 2005

Homestead children get WaterWise

On 14th and 15th July 2005, NSRI hosted a group of 9-14 year old children from the Homestead. They spent two days at the NSRI rescue base in Strandfontein learning about tides, currents, basic water safety, bystander CPR and ...

Amsterdam Rodman 006
NEWS  | Published: 7 June 2000

Rodman picture Gallery:


AWARDS  | Published: 21 April 1998


On the evening of 20 April 1998, the 7,7 metre yacht 'Renette' with three persons on board, was on passage from Cape Town to Hout Bay under motor. When the yacht's motor failed, the vessel was in Chapman's Bay, one ...

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