MOSSEL BAY:Andre Fraser, NSRI Mossel Bay station commander, said:On the afternoon of Saturday, 12th January, NSRI Station 15 Mossel Bay dispatched the sea rescue craft St Blaze Rescuer and an NSRI rescue vehicle to the launch slip way at the Yacht Club in Mossel Bay Harbour and the SA Police Services and a breakdown recovery vehicle responded.Reports had been received of a vehicle that rolled down the slipway into the water while launching a boat. It was initially suspected that people were still in the vehicle but on our arrival on the scene it was found that no one had been in the vehicle when it rolled into the water.NSRI were assisted by the breakdown recovery vehicle crew. The casualty vehicle, their trailer and their boat were recovered and no further assistance was required.
PORT ALFRED:Stephen Slade, NSRI Port Alfred deputy station commander, said:At 07h12, Sunday, 13th January, NSRI Station 11 Port Alfred, GuardMed ambulance services and the SA Police Services responded to East Beach where crew of a 6m Buttcat boat had reportedly fallen out of the boat in the surf, when the craft had attempted to turn into the waves.The sea rescue craft Rescue 11 Alpha was launched.Of a total crew of 6 adult males, 3 had fallen out the boat when the boat turned in a wave. 1 man had been recovered onto the boat. 1 man had reached the pier. 1 man was rescued onto the sea rescue craft.The casualty craft beached on East Beach and was later recovered with the assistance of a Breakdown Recovery Service.2 men were treated for injuries, the man who had reached the pier and the man who was rescued by the NSRI they were both treated for non-fatal drowning symptoms and scrapes and bruises and transported to hospital by GuardMed ambulance in stable conditions.
PORT ELIZABETH:Ian Gray, NSRI Port Elizabeth station commander, said:At 10h15, NSRI Station 6 Port Elizabeth, while at sea on routine training, were activated by the TNPA (Transnet National Ports Authority) reporting a boat sinking off-shore of Cape Recife.The sea rescue craft Spirit of Toft and JLK Rescuer were dispatched. On arrival on the scene we found a 5.5m monohull craft had capsized. All 3 crew had been safely rescued by a boat that was nearby at the time and who saw the casualty boat capsize.The 3 crew who were not injured were transferred onto the sea rescue craft and brought safely ashore and NSRI returned to the scene and righted and towed the casualty craft to shore.
GORDONS BAY:Alan Meiklejohn, NSRI Gordons Bay station commander, said:At 16h00, Sunday, 13th January, NSRI Station 9 Gordons Bay were activated following reports from WC Government Health EMS Control of a woman swept off rocks and being swept out to sea at the Steenbras River Mouth near to Gordons Bay.NSRI Gordons Bay duty crew dispatched sea rescue craft and an NSRI rescue vehicle, and WC Government Health EMS rescue squad and an EMS ambulance, GB Med ambulance service, ER24 ambulance service, Law Enforcement and the Law Enforcement Marine Unit and the SA Police Services responded.On arrival on the scene the 20 year old American lady was found floating in the surf 150 meters off-shore and she was rescued onto the sea rescue craft and brought to the NSRI rescue base in Gordons Bay. She has been transported to hospital in a stable condition and she is expected to make a full recovery.Waves swept her off the rocks and in very rough sea conditions she opted to swim further out to sea rather than try to get to shore on the rugged rocky coastline which may have battered her against the rocks, the decision to do this may have saved her life.
RICHARDS BAY:Jean Slabbert, NSRI Richards Bay duty controller, said:At 11h50, Sunday, 13th January, NSRI Station 19, Richards Bay were activated to respond to 10 nautical miles North of Richards Bay where a 16 foot ski-boat capsized with 3 crew onboard.The sea rescue craft Spirit of Round Table II was dispatched and while responding to the scene it was confirmed from Meerensee Ski-Boat Club that all 3 men had been rescued by commercial boats and they were not injured.On arrival on the scene NSRI searched for the ski-boat along the dift of the currents and found the capsized ski-boat capsized further North.The ski-boat was righted and towed to the Meerensee Ski-Boat Club and recovered and no further assistance was required.