Safety AlertNSRI are urging the public to swim at beaches only where and when lifeguards are on duty and swim within the safe demarcated swimming zones posted by lifeguards using their red and yellow flags.
PORT EDWARD:Alan Stilwell, NSRI Port Edward duty controller, said:At 12h32, Wednesday, 24th October, NSRI Port Edward duty crew were activated following reports of a drowning in progress at Silver Beach, Port Edward.The sea rescue jet-ski Rescue 32 Bravo was launched and NSRI rescue swimmers responded to the scene in our rescue vehicle. Police Search and Rescue, Med-Evac ambulance services and Paracore Ambulance Trust ambulance responded.We found that a 19 year old male had been in difficulty in the surf when a bystander, believed to be aged in his 20's, went into the surf to try to assist but he got into difficulty himself.We could see that another bystander, using the NSRI Pink Rescue Floatation Buoy, had gone to the assistance of the 19 year old and had reached him. They were about 350 meters off-shore in the surfline and they appeared to be heading back towards the shore using the Pink Rescue Buoy for floatation.Our sea rescue craft went to the aid of the man in his 20's, reached him, rescued him and brought him to the beach safely.The sea rescue craft was then going to return to the surf to assist the 19 year old and the good samaritan who was using the Pink Rescue Buoy, but they had already reached the beach. The good samaritan was already heading up the beach to return the Pink Buoy to its pole when we realised that he was our local car assistant Amos Dlezi.Amos, who also helps out at the local boat club from time to time, was commended for his effort in saving the life of the teenager.Treatment for non-fatal drowning symptoms were administered to both patients on the beach.Both have been transported to hospital in serious stable conditions by Paracore Ambulance Trust ambulance.