On Wednesday evening crew and guests met at NSRI Richards Bay rescue base for the official blessing of the Spirit of Round Table II, their new 8.5m semi ridged quick response vessel which was received on the 2nd September 2016.The evening started with a welcome from current Station Commander Dorian Robertson who handed over to Dave Savides for the evening's proceedings and the blessing of the new boat. Dave who has a close and long history with our station and crew related a touching parallel between us receiving the new boat to that of someone receiving a kidney transplant. The donor (Round Table) and recipient (NSRI) tied together in the greater good that the NSRI would be doing with their 'kidney' - the Spirit of Round Table II.Riane van de Linde then performed the traditional christening of the boat in champagne followed by a few words from Martin van de Linde who ceremoniously handed over the boats kill switch/keys to Eddie Noyons, Chairman of the Operations Board who in turn handed them to Dorian Robertson.After a few group photos all spent some time socialising over a few snacks.NSRI Station 19, Richards Bay would like to thank the Round Table for coming together again to sponsor their quick response vessel and they look forward to continuing their relationship.
Group Photo (Picture: Gavin Fordham)
Dave Savides blessing the boat and those that would be helming her (Picture: Gavin Fordham)
Martin vd Linde saying a few words (Picture: Gavin Fordham)
Riane vd Linde christening the boat (Picture: Gavin Fordham)
Round Table and NSRI (Picture: Gavin Fordham)
Round Table with Spirit of Round Table II (Picture: Gavin Fordham)