NSRI EXPO (LAGUNA MALL - LANGEBAAN)The Langebaan and Saldanha community had the pleasure of meeting the team from the NSRI Station 4, Mykonos, who put their lives and time on the line for those persons requiring assistance at sea. Yes, we were the cheerful men and women dressed in red wetsuits and dark blue jumpsuits who invited everyone in to view some of the equipment used in rescues. It was such a pleasure to chat to the general public about what we do, as well as sharing valuable skills with children and adults alike.The venue at the Laguna Mall was open to the public from the Friday through to the Sunday afternoon and a number of the NSRI members walked amongst the shoppers with collection tins receiving many generous donations for which we are most grateful. These donations are vitally important for the maintenance and functioning of the NSRI Station at Mykonos as well as making rescues more comfortable, be it for refreshments whilst at sea, or to equip the rescue station with basic necessities.The highlight of the weekend was the great enjoyment that the NSRI member’s had teaching basic skills to the public. One of our lady crew was kept busy teaching the children and adults the basics of CPR. Other members of the public had their blood pressure tested while others chatted with NSRI members.In conclusion, the Station Commander, Darius van Niekerk, and all the members would like to thank the following for making this cause such a success:Laguna Mall, Langebaan Marine, Cape Surf Centre, SAMSA and Project Maritime Training.