Membership is free and it includes our 3 magazines annually, monthly newsletter and invitations to informational rescue station visits and social events.
Though many LBC members support the NSRI financially through once-off and monthly donations or are bequestors (leaving a legacy gift to the NSRI in their will), a donation is not a prerequisite to becoming a Lifeboat Club member.
If you would like one of our area PR Guest Speakers to speak to your group or organisation, please complete the below form and we will get back to you.
Your Will is an important legal document, but it’s also a reflection of your unique life story – the people, places and causes that matter most to you. By leaving a gift in your Will to the NSRI – no matter how big or small – you can ensure your legacy saves lives for many years to come.
Preparing your Will is a very personal matter and we recommend that you consult your professional adviser. You can decide to update your existing Will by downloading our Codicil and attaching it to your Will.
Should you like to tell us about a gift left in your Will (we do not need to know any details) we would love to be able to thank you with a Bequestor Certificate and Pin. And when you attend one of the LBC events in your area, we would love to see you wear your “Bequestor Pin” with pride.