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NSRI Gqeberha duty crew were activated following a Mayday distress call, intercepted by TNPA (Transnet National Ports Authority) Port of Port Elizabeth Port Control and by Telkom Maritime Radio Services, from a local supply motor vessel, with 3 local crew onboard, taking on water and sinking approximately 8 nautical miles offshore of the Port of Port Elizabeth.

NSRI Gqeberha duty crew were activated following a Mayday distress call, intercepted by TNPA (Transnet National Ports Authority) Port of Port Elizabeth Port Control and by Telkom Maritime Radio Services, from a local supply motor vessel, with 3 local crew onboard, taking on water and sinking approximately 8 nautical miles offshore of the Port of Port Elizabeth.

Telkom Maritime Radio Services broadcast an all ships emergency alert while the NSRI Gqeberha rescue craft Rescue 6 Alpha was launched.

MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre), Police Sea Borderline Control, NSRI EOC (Emergency Operations Centre), and EC Government Health EMS were alerted.

A sister motor vessel had launched to go to their assistance and the foreign bulk carrier motor vessel, that was due to be re-supplied by the casualty supply vessel, had diverted from her position and responded to assist.

The 3 casualty crew had reported that they were abandoning their vessel that they had reported to be taking on water and sinking.

The sister supply vessel rescued 2 casualty crewmen from the water while the bulk carrier rescued 1 casualty crewman after they managed to throw a rope line to that man and successfully rescued him onto their vessel.

Against strong gusting South Easterly winds our NSRI rescue craft arrived on the scene to find the casualty vessel semi submerged with only her bow remaining above water.

A lee, sheltering against the strong winds, was provided for our NSRI rescue craft by the bulk carrier motor vessel, sheltering our rescue craft from the strong winds.

In the shelter of the lee, provided by the bulk carrier, all 3 casualty crew were safely transferred onto our NSRI rescue craft.

The casualty crew were brought to our NSRI Gqeberha station 6 rescue base where they were medically assessed by EMS paramedics before all 3 men were released in satisfactory conditions and not injured.

Maritime authorities are assessing the environmental impact while efforts to salvage the casualty vessel are being evaluated by the owners and by salvors.

The swift response to rescue the 3 men at sea is commended.

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