At 22h00, Tuesday, 17 August, NSRI Table Bay duty crew and the City of Cape Town (CoCT) water rescue network were activated following reports of a drowning in progress in the Port of Table Bay, E Berth, at the Cruise Liner Passenger Terminal.
Paula Leech, NSRI Table Bay duty controller, said:
NSRI rescue swimmers, ER24 ambulance services, Transnet Security, Life Healthcare response paramedics, WC Government Health EMS rescue squad and EMS ambulance responded and the the sea rescue craft Spirit of Day was launched.
On arrival on the scene rescue swimmers entered the water and recovered a man who was found lifeless and face down in the water and he was attended to by paramedics but sadly he was declared deceased.
It remains unknown what caused the man, believed to be aged 38, from Ravensmead, who was at work at E Berth at the time, to fall into the water.
The body of the man was taken into the care of WC Government Health Forensic Pathology Services and Police have opened an inquest docket.
Condolences are conveyed to family and the colleagues of the deceased man.
Cape Town – Yacht assisted:
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