DURBAN:Jonathan Kellerman, NSRI Durban station commander, said:At 08h00, Sunday, 4 April, NSRI Durban duty crew were activated following a request for medical assistance from an Oil Chemical Tanker carrier at anchor off-shore of the Umhlanga River Mouth.The master of the ship was reported to be suffering a medical complaint and urgent medical assistance was requested.The sea rescue craft Alick Rennie was launched accompanied by 2 Emer-G-Med rescue paramedics.On arrival at the vessel, 3 nautical miles off-shore of the Umhlanga River Mouth, an NSRI rescue swimmer and an Emer-G-Med rescue paramedic were transferred onto the vessel.The patient, a 45 year old male, was medically treated and stabilised.He was transferred onto our sea rescue craft and brought to our sea rescue station in the care of the Emer-G-Med paramedics.The patient was transported to hospital by ambulance in a stable condition for further medical care.
GORDONS BAY:Alan Meiklejohn, NSRI Gordon's Bay station commander, said:At 17h50, Sunday, 4 April, NSRI Gordon's Bay duty crew were activated following a request for assistance from the skipper of a local 40 foot motor yacht, with 7 crew onboard, reporting fuel starvation to their vessel.The sea rescue craft Spirit of Surfski was launched accompanied with fuel we had collected to be transferred to the vessel and our sea rescue craft rendezvoused with the vessel off-shore of 5 Houses, Gordon's Bay.An NSRI rescue swimmer was transferred onto the vessel and he assisted to refuel the vessel and he assisted to get the motors started.The vessel was refueled and initially only one motor was able to be re-started. After continuing attempts the second motor was able to be started.We accompanied the vessel to Gordon's Bay harbour where the vessel was moored and no further assistance was required.
HARTBEESPOORT DAM:Arthur Crewe, NSRI Hartbeespoort Dam station commander, said:A total of 6 NSRI call outs were attended to by NSRI Hartbeespoort Dam over Easter weekend.5 of the calls were to assist boats and craft caught in dense Hyacinth or with motors affected by the dense Hyacinth and in all 5 cases boats and craft were freed or assisted to shore safely without incident.On Sunday, 4 April, at 11h30, NSRI Hartbeespoort Dam duty crew, on the water at the time in our sea rescue craft, responded to Hartbeespoort Dam Police station where we assisted a 38 year old female Police officer suffering a medical complaint.The patient was treated on the scene and a HEMS (Hartbeespoort Emergency Medical Services) ambulance was dispatched and the Police officer was transported to hospital in a stable condition and she is reported to be recovering well.
GANZEKRAAL:Junre Marais, NSRI Yzerfontein joint station commander, said:At 10h27, Monday, 5 April, NSRI Yzerfontein duty crew were activated following reports of a man on a fishing kayak in difficulty 1 nautical mile off-shore of Ganzekraal.Eye-witnesses contacted NSRI EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) reporting the kayak to have capsized and a local fisherman was hanging onto the capsized craft.We dispatched our sea rescue vehicle towing our sea rescue craft Sonia to the scene and NSRI Melkbosstrand, who were on the water at the time conducting routine training exercises, diverted their sea rescue craft to assist.While responding to the scene it was confirmed that a local fisherman had paddled out to the casualty on his fishing kayak and the casualty man, a local aged 72, had hung onto the back of his craft and he was brought safely to shore and despite mild hypothermia he was otherwise not injured and he required no further assistance.The NSRI Melkbosstrand sea rescue craft recovered the fishing kayak which was brought to shore and returned to the man.
VAAL DAM:Jake Manten, NSRI Vaal Dam station commander, said:On Monday, 5 April, at 07h00, NSRI Vaal Dam duty crew assisted with the help of Manten Marina at the Lake Deneysville Yacht Club slipway where a vehicle had rolled down the slipway and was submerged under water.NSRI rescue swimmers attached a towline to the vehicle and the Manten Marina truck was used to tow the vehicle out of the water.Once recovered no further assistance was required.