MOSSEL BAY:Andre Fraser, NSRI Mossel Bay station commander, said:NSRI Mossel Bay duty crew were placed on alert at 21h29, Thursday, 31 December, to prepare to patient evacuate an Angolan 45 year old male fisherman suffering an illness, from a local fishing vessel that was expected to arrive off-shore of Mossel Bay in the early hours of Friday morning.NSRI EOC (Emergency Operations Centre), Telkom Maritime Radio Services, a WC Government Health EMS duty doctor, the Transnet Port Health Authority, By Grace ambulance services, the ship agent, NSRI Mossel Bay duty controllers and Transnet National Ports Authority, assisted MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) in operational logistics and coordination.At 04h35, Friday, 01 January, the sea rescue craft St Blaize Rescuer was launched and we rendezvoused with the fishing vessel just off-shore of Mossel Bay harbour.The patient was transferred onto our sea rescue craft and we brought him to our sea rescue base in the care of our NSRI medics and the patient was transported to hospital by a By Grace ambulance in a stable condition.
PORT ELIZABETH:Jonathan Tufts, NSRI Port Elizabeth deputy station commander, said:At 12h00, Friday, 01 January, NSRI Port Elizabeth duty crew launched the sea rescue craft Spirit of Toft, accompanied by an EC Government Health EMS rescue paramedic, to respond to meet up with a local fishing trawler that was approaching Port Elizabeth from deep sea to patient evacuate an adult male Russian fisherman injured from a fall onboard the fishing vessel.We rendezvoused with the fishing vessel in Algoa Bay and the patient was transferred onto our sea rescue craft and in the care of the EMS rescue paramedic he was brought to our sea rescue station and transported to hospital by EMS ambulance in a stable condition.NSRI EOC (Emergency Operations Centre), Telkom Maritime Radio Services, a WC Government Health EMS duty doctor, the Transnet Port Health Authority, EC Government Health EMS, the ship agent, NSRI Port Elizabeth duty controllers and Transnet National Ports Authority, assisted MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) in operational logistics and coordination.
PORT EDWARD:Gert du Plessis, NSRI Port Edward station commander, said:At 15h51, Thursday, 31 December, NSRI Port Edward duty crew were activated to assist a local charter boat suffering engine failure to one of her motors.The skipper requested assistance to get 6 passengers, a female and 5 males, off of the 21 foot boat before attempting to get the boat to shore on the one remaining motor.NSRI Shelly Beach dispatched crew to assist the NSRI Port Edward crew.The sea rescue craft jet-rib Rescue 32 Alpha was launched and in 3 relays of 2 at a time the 6 passengers were brought safely to shore without incident from just over a nautical mile off-shore of the Wild Coast Sun.During the passenger transfer operation the second motor of the casualty boat failed and without engine power we dispatched our sea rescue craft Rescue 32 to the scene and on her arrival we took the casualty boat under tow and we towed her to shore without incident and once the casualty boat was safely ashore and recovered no further assistance was required.