If you have an interest in South African water safety please join us for the first NSRI water safety symposium. We will bring together individuals from organisations who are active in the South African drowning prevention sector four times a year to listen to experts in water safety during a one hour 15 minute online meeting.The symposium will run from 12h30 to 13h45 and each meeting will have four 15 minute presentations by experts in their field with 15 minutes allowed for discussion. Feel free to pop in for a specific presentation or spend your lunch time listening to 4 experts in our field.Our first seminar will be introduced by NSRI CEO Dr. Cleeve Robertson and the presentations will include South African fatal drowning statistics, Drowning Resuscitation, a presentation by the ‘I am Water foundation’ and lastly teaching Survival Swimming to children where they swim.
Listen. Learn. Share.The first Sea Rescue water safety symposium will be on Wednesday 28 October from 12h30 to 13h15
watersafety@searescue.org.za by the 26th October if you would like to attend this free online symposium.
Wednesday 28 October from 12h30 Programme:12h30: Introduction by Dr Cleeve Robertson, NSRI CEO12h35: South African fatal drowning statistics by Ms Aty Holmes, NSRI12h50: Introducing the ‘I am water foundation’ an NPO that focuses on ocean conservation13h05: Pop up Survival Swimming classes by Yaseen Gamiet, NSRI13h20: Drowning Resuscitation by Dr Justin Sempsrott – Executive Director of the Florida based Lifeguards Without Borders