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SEA RESCUE – Shelly Beach – Friday, 06 October. 5 patients stable and transported to hospital after charter boat rolls in the surfline:
Gary Wolmerans, NSRI Shelly Beach duty controller, said:Today, Friday, 06 October, at 06h44 the NSRI duty crew from Shelly Beach were alerted to reports of persons in the water from Viking Extreme at the Sonny Evans small craft launch site at Shelly Beach. The charter Boat Viking Extreme, on a trip out to sea, was reportedly broadsided by waves causing the boat to roll in the surfline. Once NSRI were on the scene it was confirmed that the casualty boat had not capsized but rolled in the surf, suspected to have been broadsided by waves.Crew reportedly jumped off the boat as she rolled in the surfline. The casualty boat washed up on the beach, North of the launch site.8 Persons were on board. 5 were treated on scene by NSRI medics and paramedics and transported to hospital by ambulance in stable conditions.Out of the 5 patients, 3 boys aged approximately 12 to 15, were treated for shock. The two adults, a man and woman, are being treated for suspected spinal injury as a precaution.NSRI crew assisted with getting casualties out of the water and securing them to spinal boards for evacuation to hospital. Paramedics assisted with patient treatment on the scene.Resources on the scene - Medevac ambulance services, Kwa Zulu Private ambulance services, SA Police Services, Police KZN Search and Rescue, Fire and Rescue Services and Shelly Beach Control.Local charter companies utilised their vessels to standby and their tractors assisted in the recovery of the casualty boat.NSRI commend the quick response of all resources and the local charter boat companies for their assistance on the scene.
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