NATIONAL:NSRI are urging the public to be extra cautious around the coast during the Full Moon Spring Tide that will prevail until after Easter Weekend.This Full Moon Spring Tide, which peaked at full moon, 11th April, will cause stronger than normal rip currents around the coast until at least the end of this long weekend.At all times bathers, anglers, paddlers, sail boarders and boaters should be aware of high tide, low tide and rip-currents.Rip currents are one of the greatest causes of drowning accidents around the South African Coastline.
Bathers and shoreline anglers are most at risk during a Spring Tide and extreme caution is advised.Over Easter Weekend go to beaches only where and when lifeguards are on duty and swim in safe demarcated swimming zones.
ROOI ELS:On Tuesday, 11th April, at 15h20, NSRI Gordons Bay duty crew launched the sea rescue craft Jack & Irene to rendezvous with a Crayfish Bakkie (small open boat) with 2 men on board, a 30 year old Ocean View fisherman and a 50 year old Hout Bay fisherman, reporting motor mechanical failure from gear box problems with their 2 outboard motors off Rooi Els.We found them off-shore of Five Houses limping towards the harbour on one motor. We assisted them back to the harbour where they required no further assistance.
TABLE BAY:MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) tracked the progress of Australian solo sailor Lisa Blair, on her 15 meter yacht Climate Action, that suffered structural damage and a collapsed mast during a storm 895 nautical miles South East of the South African Coast on Monday, 03 April.At the time of her Pan Pan emergency call, although not injured, safe, in no imminent danger, and able to continue under motor power, options were investigated for her to head towards Marion Island or towards the Prince Edward Islands (which would have sent her in a direction away from the South African Coastline). MRCC requested the assistance of the Motor Vessel Eastern Mercury, who were then 750 nautical miles from her position, to rendezvous with yacht Climate Action to deliver reserve fuel and M/V Eastern Mercury volunteered to assist and this option was accepted as it meant yacht Climate Action would motor on her own power towards South Africa and rendezvous with M/V Eastern Mercury on her way.This took place successfully in the days that followed and the ship M/V Eastern Mercury rendezvoused with yacht Climate Action, providing additional fuel for the yacht to reach the South African Coast. On Wednesday, 12th April, yacht Climate Action motored into the Port of Table Bay at around 16h00 under her own power and NSRI Table Bay’s sea rescue craft Spirit of Day assisted her to a safe berth in the V&A Marina and no further assistance was required.Picture attached: By NSRI Table Bay. Lisa Blair and the yacht Climate Action being assisted by NSRI Table Bay at the V&A Marina.
SALDANHA BAY:NSRI Mykonos launched the sea rescue craft Spirit of Freemasonry on Wednesday night, 12th April, to rendezvous with the long line fishing trawler Amoria to assist to patient evacuate a fisherman suffering a laceration to his hand and needing to get back to shore to see the company doctor.NSRI Mykonos rendezvoused with the fishing trawler 15 nautical miles off-shore and the fisherman, a 23 year old from Gansbaai, in a stable condition and walking wounded, was transferred onto our sea rescue craft and brought to shore without incident and will make his own arrangements to see a doctor.
STILL BAY:At 14h27, Thursday, 13th April, NSRI Still Bay launched the sea rescue craft Spirit of St Francis following eye-witness reports of a yacht suspected to be in difficulty off-shore and approaching Still Bay.On arrival on the scene the yacht’s crew on their yacht Cameron confirmed that they were heading into Still Bay to anchor to wait out heavy weather that was approaching and they were under motor power and required no assistance.The same yacht had earlier alerted NSRI that they were seeking shelter in Still Bay and they were advised of a best anchorage area.They anchored without incident and are waiting out the heavy weather.
HOUT BAY:NSRI Hout Bay launched the sea rescue craft Nadine Gordimer, on Thursday afternoon, 13th April, to patient evacuate an ill crewman off the fishing trawler Umlobi.The 30 year old Khayelitsha fisherman had been feeling ill for the past few days and Umlobi motored into Hout Bay where NSRI Hout Bay rendezvoused with them in the Bay. The fisherman was transferred onto the sea rescue craft and brought into the harbour where a WC Government Health EMS ambulance transported him to hospital in a stable condition.