At 17h09, Monday, 29th February, NSRI Plettenberg Bay duty crew were activated following a request for assistance from concerned friends of 71 year old hiker Jean Myburgh, from Stellenbosch, (staying in Natures Valley on holiday with friends from Stellenbosch), a professional rock climber, reporting that they had spoken to her on her cellphone, while she was hiking from Keurbooms to Natures Valley, after departing at 11h00 that same morning, and while contacting her on her cellphone to check on her progress she had reported to being stuck on the trail.It appears that Mrs Myburgh had reached Salt River but with the high tide cutting off the regular trail she had climbed up the cliff face in an attempt to negotiate an alternative route but she had reached a point where she was not able to continue nor able to return down the rocks.NSRI Plettenberg Bay alerted WSAR (Wilderness Search and Rescue) while NSRI rescue crew responded by road to begin a search from Salt River and from the vicinity of Oupa and Ouma after the exact location of Mrs Myburgh could be determined despite having cell contact with her.With daylight fading local Plettenberg Bay pilot Rassie Erasmus volunteered his helicopter to assist in a search and a WSAR volunteer boarded the helicopter and on arrival in the area a search commenced and almost immediately Mrs Myburgh was located on the cliff face.The helicopter landed in a clearing nearby and the WSAR volunteer reached Mrs Myburgh, who was not injured, and she was assisted to the helicopter and airlifted to Natures Valley where she was reunited with her friends.WSAR medics assessed Mrs Myburgh who was not injured and no further assistance was required.Mr Erasmus is commended for assisting in this rescue operation. -ENDS-
File picture of an exercise on Robberg.