On the afternoon of 13 October 2012, when the charter boat Miroshga capsized, there was a huge response from the sea-faring community and rescue services. Thirty seven men, women and children were saved.This evening ( 23 November 2012) the following people were thanked for going beyond the call of duty:
Letters of Appreciation:Mark Coetzee - NauticatGary Thompson - Captain SeaJJ de Villiers - WhitmoreIan Klopper - EMTKelly-Ann Irving - EMTNSRI Station 3, Table BayNSRI Station 8, Hout BayNSRI Station 2, BakovenSAPS Diving & Water Policing Unit, WCWestern Cape Emergency Medical Services
Directors’ Thanks:Sean Amor – ExtravagenceAlain Tardin - ExtravagenceAlfonso Witchman – fishermanDenton Davids – fishermanFabian Fray – fishermanJohn Knowles – fishermanKayle Cairns – fishermanLincoln Theunissen – fishermanMonray Isaacs – fishermanReemo Raats – fishermanStachleigh van Rooyen – fishermanWarrant Officer Sutton - SAPS diverWarrant Officer Gert Voigt – SAPS diverWarrant Officer Douglas Jones – SAPS diverSeargeant Merwin Nel – SAPS diverCaptain Eben Lourens – SAPS diverElvin Stoffels – Metro diverJohn Roberts (posthumus) – crew of Miroshga
Gallantry Award – Bronze ClassFabian Higgins – Metro diverConstable Heino Uhde – SAPS diverThese pictures are available for download on
Sea Rescue's Flickr page.
Guests during the presentation at the Hout Bay NSRI base.

Mark Coetzee receives his Letter of Appreciation from Ian Wienburg.

JJ De Villiers receives his Letter of Appreciation from Ian Wienburg.

Kelly-Ann Irven and Ian Klopper receive their Letter of Appreciation from Ian Wienburg.

Bruce Davidson ( Bakoven), Pat van Eyssen ( Table Bay) and Geoff Stevens ( Hout Bay) receive Letters of Appreciation on behalf of their stations from Ian Wienburg.

Sean Amor and Alain Tardin receive Directors Thanks form NSRI Chairman Peter Bacon.

Captain Van Der Merwe of the SAPS Dive unit receives a letter of appreciation on behalf of his unit from Ian Wienburg.

Police divers Gert Voigt, W/O Sutton, Douglas Jones, Merwin Nel and Petrus Van Der Merwe receive Directors Thanks form NSRI Chairman Peter Bacon (Third right).

Dr Cleeve Robertson receives a Letter of Appreciation on behalf of Metro EMS Team from Ian Wienburg.

Elvin Stoffels receives Directors thanks from Peter Bacon.

NSRIs' Directors' thanks were given to Fishermen -Back: Fabian Fray, Lincoln Theunissen, Denton Davids, John Knowles, Alfonso Witchman, Front: Monray Isaacs, Reemo Raats, Stachleigh van Rooyen and Kayle Cairns.

Mrs Roberts receives Directors Thanks from Peter Bacon on behalf of her son John Roberts who died when Miroshga capsized.

Mrs Roberts and Peter Bacon.

Fabian Higgins, Metro diver, receives a Gallantry Award Bronze Class for rescuing one of the women from under the hull.

Gallantry Award Bronze Class to Constable Heino Uhde, SAPS diver, for rescuing two women from under the hull.